Quest:Chapter 1.6: True Hearts and Proven Loyalties

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Chapter 1.6: True Hearts and Proven Loyalties
Level 140
Type Solo
Starts with Faltharan
Starts at Sirgon's Manor
Start Region Pelargir (King's Gondor)
Map Ref [82.5S, 32.6W]
Ends with Aithil
Ends at Pelargir
End Region Pelargir (King's Gondor)
Map Ref [83.5S, 32.2W]
Quest Group The Song of Waves and Wind: Chapter 1
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'That day is not yet here, but still you must tell me what brings you to Pelargir. The Armour of the Usurper? Aye, I know it. Angbor of Lamedon sent it to us several moons ago, charging my father with its safekeeping, and so it is kept safe.

'You are welcome to see for yourself, <name>. The armoury of Pelargir is to the south of the manor; with my permission the guards will allow you to pass. They are men and women of true hearts and proven loyalty, and they guard the armoury day and night.'


Faltharan agrees that the Heirs of Castamir might try to steal the Armour of the Usurper, but believes the relic is safe.

Objective 1

The Pelargir Armoury is to the south of Sirgon's Manor.

Faltharan: 'You are welcome to see for yourself. The Armoury of Pelargir is to the south of the manor, and is guarded day and night, but with my permission the guards will allow you to pass.'
The armoury is watched day and night by a rotating shift of guards
Cuguril: 'Ho there, halt.'

Objective 2

  • Talk to Cuguril outside the Pelargir Armoury

The guardswoman Cuguril stands watch outside the Pelargir Armoury.

Cuguril: 'You have come at the request of Lord Sirgon and his son? What brings three such as you here?'
You tell Cuguril that supporters of the Heirs of Castamir may seek to steal his armour for their own purposes, and the Lord of Lebennin wants to ensure it is kept safe.
'He need not fear on that account, friend! We take great care to keep unknown folk from entering the armoury. Why, a suspicious woman has been watching us from a distance for the past few days; I have yet to see her today. Rest assured we keep an eye upon her when we do see her skulking about.
'You are welcome to go inside and check on the armour yourself. You and your companions would stick in my memory well enough that I do not think you are the sort we need suspect! In gratitude perhaps you will deal with some of the pests within? We have had something of a rat and crawler problem in recent days.'

Objective 3

  • Check that the Armour of the Usurper remains inside the Pelargir Armoury
  • Defeat pests within the Pelargir Armoury (0/8)

Cuguril invited you to check on the Armour of the Usurper inside the Pelargir Armoury, as long as you also deal with any of the pests you might find inside.

Cuguril: 'You are welcome to go inside and check on the armour yourself. Perhaps you will deal with some of the pests within? We have had something of a rat and crawler problem in recent days.'
The Armour of the Usurper remains where it was left

Objective 4

  • Talk to Cuguril outside the Pelargir Armoury

Cuguril stands watch outside the Pelargir Armoury.

Cuguril: 'Castamir's armour remains where it was left? I told you it was so. But look here!
'The skulking woman is back. She watches us from yonder, pretending that we are not the object of her attention... but it is clear to me she spies upon us even now.'

Objective 5

  • Talk to Legolas outside the Pelargir Armoury

Legolas has had an idea.

Cuguril: 'The skulking woman watches us from afar.'
Legolas: 'I have had an idea, <name>. If we stage a performance for the benefit of this spy, we might be able to learn if she works for the Heirs of Castamir, and turn that knowledge to our benefit.'
Legolas smiles at you briefly before the Elf adopts a pained expression.

Objective 6

  • Convince Legolas that you are truly angry

Legolas has begun a dramatic argument for the benefit of the nearby onlooker, and he needs your help to show that you are truly angry.

You will be most convincing if you target the Elf and use the Angry emote.

Legolas: Legolas stares at you with his eyes aflame and his fists clenched. He needs your help to show that you are truly angry.
You will be most convincing if you target the Elf and use the Angry emote.
'Is that so?' Legolas demands angrily
'How dare you?' Legolas exclaims

Objective 7

  • Talk to Legolas outside the Pelargir Armoury

Legolas stands outside the Pelargir Armoury, pretending to be angry with you.

Legolas: 'I should have expected no less from such as you!' Legolas exclaims. Then he lowers his voice.
'Now you should stroll most casually in the direction of the skulking spy, my friend. Perhaps she will be interested to speak to you, and if you can draw from her some knowledge of the Heirs of Castamir or their supporters, we will be aided.
'And let there be no hard feelings between us, <name>! Such a performance did not come easily for me, but if it serves as effective bait for this suspicious fish it will prove worthwhile. Gimli and I will meet you back at Sirgon's manor after you have spoken with this onlooker. Good fortune go with you!'

Objective 8

  • Walk by the suspicious onlooker to the south-east and see if she speaks to you

The suspicious onlooker is to the south-east of the Pelargir Armoury, in King's Gondor.

Legolas: 'Gimli and I will meet you back at Sirgon's manor after you have spoken with the spy. Good fortune go with you!'
The woman eyes you curiously

Objective 9

  • Talk to Aithil south-east of the Pelargir Armoury, in King's Gondor

The woman Aithil is south-east of the Pelargir Armoury, in King's Gondor.

Elf version

Aithil: 'I beg your pardon, stranger, but I could not help but notice your argument with that Elf over the way. I would have thought such as you might keep your disagreements quiet from other folk.'
You tell the woman that he took issue when you said Arwen should not have become Queen, and that her duty was to remain with her own people.
'Really? That is interesting to hear! It had not occured to me that even an Elf might see that the throne of Gondor properly belongs to a Gondorian! But of course that makes a great deal of sense.'

Non-Elf version

Aithil: 'I beg your pardon, stranger, but I could not help but notice your argument with that Elf over the way. Did he give you insult? I have seen such as he treat others with disrespect, and often enough that it has become to me a sad indicator that all of that folk believe themselves to be our betters.'
You tell the woman that he took issue with some statements you made about the new Queen of Gondor, and she studies you closely.
'Is that so?' she asks. 'Perhaps you would like to hear my own thoughts on the subject?'